P5: Implementation and Presentation

Implementation Screenshots

Click to Enlarge:

Profile, Stats & Personal Goals

Recording Servings and Nutritional Info

Challenging Friends

Scenario 1: Setting Personal Goals

Patricia is a senior at Wellesley College who has recently decided to become vegan. Instead of immediately substituting all animal products in her meals, Patricia decides to take a gradual approach to slowly transition to a vegan diet. She downloads Battle of the Plates and uses for tracking. Unfortunately, she is struggling with keeping herself motivated and decides to use the app’s personal goals feature to make the transition less daunting. Pretend you are Patricia and perform the following tasks:

  • Create a new goal called “Alternative protein sources” with description “Substitute meat with alternatives for one meal.”
  • Mark the first goal complete
  • Delete the first goal

    Scenario 2: Updating Data

    Sherry is a junior at Wellesley College who wants to keep track of their daily diet in order to eat healthier, but wants to focus more on her nutrition intake than calories. She decides to use the data tracking feature of Battle of Plates in order to keep track of her nutritional intake and food groups and also see trends in her eating habits over time. Pretend you are Sherry and perform the following tasks:

  • Update your daily intake for “Fruits” by 1 cup
  • Look up more information on the “Fruits” food group on the app

    Scenario 3: Challenging Friends

    Rita is a sophomore at Wellesley College who wants to start leading a healthier lifestyle. She wants to start eating a balanced diet filled with a variety of nutrients, but wants to be held more accountable. She uses the “Challenge” feature of Battle of Plates to challenge her friends and see who can eat the recommended daily intake of food groups everyday for the longest amount of days. Pretend you are Rita and perform the following tasks:

  • Send a new challenge to your friend Anna that lasts for two weeks.
  • You receive a notification that you have a pending challenge. Accept this challenge.
  • You are now 6 days into the challenge with Pearl. Check the progress of your current challenge.